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Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a powerful productivity tool made for business and enterprise users. It allows users to view, edit, and manage data in a user-friendly way. Access can handle much more data than Excel and can be used to build databases quickly using templates, create rich data entry forms, import, transform, and export a variety of data sources.

Calc LLC have long history of developing high quality Access applications. Our developer has PhD & MBA degrees. Calc is your top choice for Access projects.


  • Microsoft Access development: tables, queries, forms, reports

  • VBA (macro) programming

  • Integration and automation with Excel, Word, Outlook or Powerpoint

  • Migration to SQL Server and desktop application

  • Migration to web application

  • Training

Project examples

  1. Multiple large public health projects that stores data in Access and automatically generate complex Powerpoint slides based on the data. The client is the US federal government.

  2. A customer relationship management (CRM) application that manages customer communications, services and billing for an electric service company. User can directly open Bing Map from Access application and get real-time traffic info to client address.

  3. An Access database that manages data for a political campaign.

  4. An Access database that manages clients, premiums, commissions etc. for an insurance company. It also sends email reminders when premium is overdue.

  5. An Access database that manages insurance claim reviews. The backend is on Microsoft Azure cloud so that the data can be accessed by users across different geographic locations.

  6. An Access database that efficiently cleans CSV files.

  7. Multiple Access databases that speed up data analysis processes.

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